Early Intervention Services
All families are unique and every family experiences stress from time to time, especially when facing challenges. Half of people with mental health problems live with their families. Families and significant others can be a crucial component to the individual’s recovery, spending much more time with the individual that the mental health workers are able to.
As a team we understand that if someone is experiencing psychosis, then this can be distressing for family, friends and significant others. In new and stressful situations family members may not feel confident that they know how best to manage things. High levels of stress within the family can influence the mental health of the individual with psychosis or family members.
We believe that helping the whole family recover from difficult times is an important aspect to recovery from psychosis.
We offer a range of options to help and support people with psychosis and their families, friends or carers.
Understanding psychosis
Friends and family support group
Introducing EIP Friends and family support
Friends and family structured support work
Informal friends and family support
Friends and family self-help resources